We provide space for your ideas ...
40,000 participants attend educational events held at the Haus der Begegnung every year.
12 conference, seminar and meeting rooms offer the perfect setting for an extremely wide variety of educational and training events.
Our cafeteria and restaurant are open to the public.
Our hotel boasts a quiet yet central location and ensures all visitors have a good night’s sleep and a pleasant stay.

Mission statement
Terms & Conditions
Information GDPR
The Austrian Distance Selling Act (FAGG)
Quality and …
The Haus der Begegnung is an Ö-Cert quality provider of adult education. Ö-Cert stipulates quality standards for adult education organisations throughout Austria and establishes transparent processes for individuals interested in education and for funding providers.
We play our part in climate protection
- We pursue an ecological strategy in line with our common responsibility for creation.
- The design and energy supply of our establishment allows us to handle resources with an environmentally friendly and sustainable approach.
- When choosing foods, we ensure that we opt for regional and fair trade products, which we prepare in an environmentally friendly and healthy way.
- We share the belief that more cost-intensive measures in the short term allow us to achieve long-term benefits and cost savings, above all for future generations.
ISO 9001
As an educational institution, we take a serious approach to education and training. The guidelines of the standard ISO 9001 show us the way. We are committed to the satisfaction of our guests and course participants.
We respond to visitor feedback und use it to further develop the quality of our service:
- by training our staff
- by optimising infrastructure and equipment
Certified as organic
More than 80% of the ingredients used in our kitchen are organic products.
Organic means:
- Species-appropriate animal husbandry
- Organic fodder
- No genetic engineering
- No use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers
- More flavour, more freshness and healthy food
We are a Green Events partner. Find out more about Green Events (in German) at
We are inclusive
Alongside 21 other establishments, the Haus der Begegnung has been awarded a prestigious title. The “Wir sind inklusiv!” (We are inclusive!) award shines the spotlight on organisations that are committed to providing jobs for people with disabilities. The award recognises the work of staff and managers to adapt working processes so that the tasks and activities involved can also be completed by employees with limitations and to focus on the resources of each individual member of staff.
It also aims to encourage organisations and inspire others to follow suit and play a role in establishing more solidarity and a stronger bond. The “Wir sind inklusiv!” label is allowed to be used for promotional purposes from 2021 to 2023.
Manuela Schweigkofler, the Managing Director of the Haus der Begegnung, welcomes the award, stating that: “Our journey towards achieving this is not a lonely mission: there are a number of support schemes and competent associations that provide advice on how to implement the necessary changes.” She also highlights the additional value of the approach, namely “using humanity, strong bonds and solidarity to show that all people have the right to work, regardless of the obstacles and limitations they may face.”

Phone: +43 512 587869-15
Mobile: +43 676 87304001

Managing director
Mag. Manuela Schweigkofler
Phone: +43 512 587869-13
Mobile: +43 676 87304002

Guest course management
Unser Bildungsteam und die Fachreferate
Education team
responsibility for Creation
Phone: +43 512 587869-14
Email: daniela.soier@dibk.at

Education team
Interreligious and intercultural dialogue
Dr. Martina Loth
Phone: +43 512 587869-19
Mobile: +43 676 8730 4019
Email: Martina.Loth@dibk.at

Education team
Church, work and economy
Dipl. Theol. Bernd Zeidler
Phone: +43 512 587869-22
Email: bernd.zeidler@dibk.at

Education team
Social policy and ethics
Mag. Christine Norden
Phone: +43 512 587869-16
Email: christine.norden@dibk.at

Education team
Church, work and economy
DI Veronika Lamprecht BA
Phone: +43 512 587869-42
Email: veronika.lamprecht@dibk.at
Education team

Head Waiter : Dietmar Reinbacher
Phone: +43 512 587869- 18
Email: dietmar.reinbacher@dibk.at
Team: Christoph Perktold, Andrea Spiegel, Consuelo Di Zacomo, Katrin Tjankow, Theresa Webhofer
Head Chef: Karl-Heinz Fürnschuss
Phone: +43 512 587869-32
Email: Karl.Heinz.Fuernschuss@dibk.at
Team: Goran Kocevski, Dimitris Tsiotis, Zlatko Janicijevic
Facility management
Head of Cleaning
Gordana Janicijevic
Team: Blazenka Ilic, Andelka Crnoja, Lemia Rashedi, Ruzica Juric, Iris Holzmann